Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Important Booking Terms for face-to-face classes - Please read prior to booking.
Only one adult is permitted to attend with baby/toddler.

If you or your child are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 please DO NOT attend classes.
Sing and Smile with Aisling Terms and Conditions aim to present a fair sustainable structure to all. We aim to provide the highest quality classes for all and work to secure the best venues available.

We are committed to the safety of all persons who attend my classes and to deliver the highest standard of service.

Participating in a Sing and Smile with Aisling class is entirely at your own risk without any proven negligence, breach of duty of care or lack of due diligence by Sing and Smile with Aisling.

Payment Methods
Payment is through Revolut or cash.

Confirmation of Space
You must pre-book into class, via the website https://singandsmilewithaisling.ie/classes1/bookings
Space is not confirmed until booking is made. Payment is preferable in advance via this revolut link: www.revolut.me/aislingsingsmile

A class may be cancelled provided you inform Sing and Smile with Aisling up to 24 hours beforehand. The paid for space may be carried over and used within one month of the date of cancelling, in any of the three venues.
Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.

Sibling/Twins discount
Sing and Smile with Aisling offers discounts for siblings/twins. Contact Aisling directly to avail of this.

Supervision and withdrawal of service
All children must be supervised at all times and not left unattended. Sing and Smile with Aisling cannot be responsible for a child at any time. Regrettably, as our classes are designed for babies from three month to aged three and a half years, older siblings cannot attend unless specifically invited.
Should a carer or associated visitor behave in a way that Sing and Smile with Aisling feels is unreasonable then we reserve the right to withdraw the provision of classes to them.

Cancellation of Classes policy
Sing and Smile with Aisling will endeavour to run classes during bad weather, e.g. snowy conditions. However should we need to cancel due to safety concerns or weather warnings, parents will be notified/contacted via Whatsapp. Please ensure that Sing and Smile with Aisling has an updated contact number for you.
An additional class will be offered if we have to cancel a class or refund against a future class fees. Regrettably we cannot automatically offer cash refunds.
Parents are asked to keep their babies at home if they have a serious infection and to inform the setting as to the nature of the infection so that other parents can be alerted.
Please keep your baby at home if he/she:
• Has a fever or has had one in the previous 24 hours
• Has had an upset stomach or diarrhoea in the previous 48 hours
• Has heavy nasal discharge
• Has discharging eyes
Has symptoms of a possible communicable diseases such as:
• Measles
• Chicken pox
• German measles
• Whooping cough
• Impetigo
• Scarlett fever
• Hand, foot and mouth disease
• Norovirus (vomiting bug)
• Covid-19
We cannot offer a refund for a lesson missed due to illness.

Commitment to Equal Opportunities
Sing and Smile with Aisling has a commitment to ensure that the classes are available to everyone regardless of race, culture, language, gender, age (depending on class structure), experience, religion, background, ability or disability.

Data Protection
Sing and Smile with Aisling will record, process and keep your personal information secure in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. Information will not be passed onto a third party.

Videos, photographs and confidentiality
We love you taking pictures or videos of your children during the class, provided it doesn't interfere with it. In addition, please always be sensitive of taking pictures of others without their permission. If you are asked to stop, please do respect the rights of others.
In addition, if we feel that the amount of video is excessive, not just short clips, then you may be asked to stop.

Please remember that the format of the class has been developed by Sing and Smile with Aisling and while we are very happy for you to recreate the routine at home, this is not to be incorporated into another public activity without our permission.

Protection of property
Please note that your property left in prams or bags is your responsibility and Sing and Smile with Aisling cannot take any responsibility for the safeguarding of these items.

Health & Safety and Hygiene Policies
Sing and Smile with Aisling follows rigorous internal checks of its own equipment to ensure that it is clean and safe.

Changes to Terms and Conditions
Sing and Smile with Aisling from time to time updates these T&Cs. We will inform you of changes through regular channels of communication and you have 14 days to opt out of accepting changes in writing. Failure to do so will entitle Sing and Smile with Aisling to treat this agreement with you as being updated with the changes.